In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 29 of the SAICM Overarching Policy Strategy, resolution I/1 of the International Conference on Chemicals Management and decision SS.IX/1 of UN Environment Governing Council, UN Environment and the World Health Organization have lead roles in the secretariat in their respective areas of expertise.
UN Environment has overall administrative responsibility for the SAICM secretariat, which is co-located with the UN Environment cluster in Geneva, Switzerland. The secretariat is integrated within the Chemicals and Wastes Branch of the Economy Division of UN Environment.
The secretariat works in coordination with the participating organization of the Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals (IOMC).
The functions of the secretariat are listed in paragraph 28 of the SAICM Overarching Policy Strategy, as well as in ICCM resolution I/4.
The Overarching Policy Strategy provides for the main functions to be performed by the secretariat, which are:
- To facilitate meetings and intersessional work of the International Conference on Chemicals Management, as well as regional meetings, with maximum multi-stakeholder participation, and to disseminate the reports and recommendations of the Conference;
- To report to the Conference on SAICM implementation by all participants;
- To promote the establishment and maintenance of a network of SAICM stakeholders at the national, regional and, in the case of intergovernmental and non governmental organizations, international levels;
- To facilitate the development and dissemination of guidance materials to support SAICM implementation stakeholders;
- To provide guidance to stakeholders in the initiation of project proposals;
- To provide information clearing house services such as provision of advice to countries on SAICM implementation, referral of requests for information to relevant sources, and facilitation of access to information and expertise in support of specific national actions;
- To ensure that recommendations from the Conference are conveyed to relevant global and regional organizations and institutions;
- To promote the exchange of relevant scientific and technical information; and
- To establish and maintain a working relationship with participating organizations of IOMC in order to draw upon their sectoral expertise.
In addition, the ICCM resolution I/4 provides that the SAICM secretariat supports the operation of the QSP and its trust fund and its related functions are:
- To facilitate meetings of the QSP Trust Fund Implementation Committee and QSP Executive Board;
- To provide administrative support to the QSP trust fund; and
- To screen trust fund project proposals for completeness and eligibility.