Annex I - Issues of concern
I. Submission of information
1. When an issue is nominated, the following information should be provided:
(a) Why the Framework is best placed to advance the issue;
(b) Impacts on human health and/or the environment related to the issue, taking into account vulnerable and at-risk populations (especially women, children, youth and workers), biodiversity, ecosystems and available toxicological, ecotoxicological, environmental fate and behaviour, and exposure data;
(c) How the issue is integral to the vision of the Framework, is ongoing, and needs to be addressed in order to enhance basic chemicals and waste management and/or advance the implementation of innovative and sustainable solutions, in particular taking into account specific national circumstances;
(d) How addressing the issue can assist countries to meet the Sustainable Development Goals;
(e) The extent to which the issue is of a cross-cutting nature, including at the sectoral level;
(f) The extent to which the issue is being addressed by other bodies, at the regional or international level, and how the proposed action to address the issue is related to, complements or does not duplicate such efforts;
(g) Summary of existing knowledge, relevant past activities, scientific uncertainties, and gaps in understanding and/or action;
(h) A workplan, including potential targets, indicators and timelines for implementation of the proposed issue;
(i) Identification of potential lead organization(s) and of opportunities for multi stakeholder and multisectoral engagement.
II. Nominations
A. Nomination of issues
2. The process for nominating issues is open to any stakeholder. The nomination procedure will be made available on the Framework website.
3. To promote communication about the nomination:
(a) Nominations should be submitted to the secretariat no later than six months prior to a meeting of the International Conference;
(b) Nominations should be communicated by the secretariat to all stakeholders, including all focal points;
(c) Regions may wish to add the topic of nominations to the agendas of relevant regional meetings.
B. Initial review and publication of nominations
4. The secretariat will check nominations for completeness with the aim of assisting proponents with their nominations, if possible. Proponents should be requested to provide missing or additional information. The secretariat will compile a list of nominations, accompanied by a summary of information from the submission. Similar nominations will be clustered so that similar issues can be considered together, as appropriate and relevant.
5. The secretariat will invite all stakeholders to provide comments on the nominations prior to the session of the International Conference at which they will be considered. Comments received from stakeholders will be made publicly available by the secretariat.
6. The proponents of an issue will have an opportunity to revise their nomination to take into account comments or to clarify information provided, and to work with other proponents to consolidate nominations that may be similar or complementary.
7. The secretariat will make available the final nominations as soon as possible and will invite further comments on those nominations for consideration at the International Conference. Any comments should be made available by the secretariat six weeks in advance of the International Conference.
III. Workplans
8. Implementation of actions to address issues is guided by a workplan with clear timelines and milestones.
9. All stakeholders are encouraged to take the necessary actions and/or provide funding and necessary assistance towards the implementation of the workplan.