Institutional arrangements

X. Institutional arrangements

A.    International Conference on the Global Framework on Chemicals – For a Planet Free of Harm from Chemicals and Waste
73.    With respect to the Framework and its implementation, the functions of the International Conference will be: 
(a)    To adopt its rules of procedure; 
(b)    To oversee implementation and review progress with a view to addressing gaps at the national, regional and international levels and taking appropriate action; 
(c)    To promote the implementation of existing international instruments and programmes relating to chemicals and waste; 
(d)    To promote cooperation and coordination among international instruments and programmes relating to chemicals and waste; 
(e)    To promote the strengthening of national chemicals and waste management capacities; 
(f)    To promote, enhance and support participation by and interaction among stakeholders and sectors in the International Conference and in the programme of work; 
(g)    To promote awareness, including based on scientific information, regarding new developments and trends, and to identify and communicate links to sustainable development; 
(h)    To set priorities for the programme of work informed by scientific information; 
(i)    To consider relevant outcomes of the work of the science-policy panel to contribute further to the sound management of chemicals and waste and to prevent pollution to be established under United Nations Environment Assembly resolution 5/8, and to invite, as appropriate, the panel to provide scientific information and assessments, and input on specific issues of concern adopted by the International Conference; 
(j)    To determine processes for guiding appropriate science-based action on issues of concern; 
(k)    To provide guidance to the secretariat and to stakeholders on implementation; 
(l)    To establish subsidiary bodies as it deems necessary in accordance with its rules of procedure; 
(m)    To promote the implementation of the elements of the integrated approach to financing the sound management of chemicals and waste and make recommendations to address relevant issues; 
(n)    To receive reports from all relevant stakeholders on their implementation of the Framework and to assess, on the basis of the information provided, the overall progress of implementation and disseminate such information, as appropriate; 
(o)    To evaluate the implementation of activities, review progress against the objectives and targets, and update the programme of work as appropriate with a view to achieving the vision; 
(p)    To decide to convene, as appropriate, a high-level segment for multisectoral and multi stakeholder discussion; 
(q)    To initiate the process of updating or revising the Framework, as appropriate. 
74.    The International Conference should invite stakeholders from the environment, health, labour, industry and agriculture sectors involved in chemicals management and safety issues to participate in the meeting. 
75.    The International Conference should design its agenda in a manner that allows meaningful discussions of priorities, gaps and implementation issues faced by different sectors. 
76.    The International Conference will meet every third year, unless it decides otherwise. 
77.    When appropriate, sessions of the International Conference should be held back to back with meetings of the governing bodies of relevant intergovernmental organizations in order to enhance synergies and cost-effectiveness.

B.    Bureau of the International Conference
78.    The International Conference should have a Bureau in accordance with its rules of procedure. The Bureau should reflect the multi-stakeholder and multisectoral nature of the Framework and should reflect due regard to the principle of equitable geographical representation and to gender balance, as well as to representation from different sectors among government representatives, subject to the relevant rules of procedure.

C.    Secretariat
79.    The functions performed by the secretariat under the guidance of the International Conference will be: 
(a)    To promote the establishment and maintenance of a network of stakeholders at the national, regional and international levels; 
(b)    To promote and facilitate the implementation of the Framework, including capacity building and technical assistance; 
(c)    To continue to strengthen working relationships with participating organizations of the Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals and their networks, other United Nations bodies, and the secretariats of relevant international agreements in order to draw upon their sectoral expertise; 
(d)    To facilitate and promote the exchange of relevant scientific and technical information, including the development and dissemination of guidance materials to support stakeholder implementation, and to provide information clearinghouse services; 
(e)    To facilitate the meetings and intersessional work of the International Conference as well as regional meetings, and to disseminate the reports and recommendations of the International Conference, including to relevant global and regional organizations and institutions; 
(f)    To support the functioning of technical, policy and scientific subsidiary and ad hoc expert bodies established by the International Conference; 
(g)    To promote, enhance and support the participation of all sectors and stakeholders in the International Conference and the programme of work, including in meetings of the international conference and regional meetings; 
(h)    To report to the International Conference on implementation by all stakeholders of the Framework. 
    1.    Financing the secretariat
80.    A core budget for the secretariat of the Framework is identified covering staff costs for non seconded staff, office costs and travel costs, and the costs of conference services and meetings. The core budget is financed by voluntary contributions from Governments, the private sector, and all other stakeholders. 
81.    Before the start of each calendar year the secretariat invites each Government and other stakeholder groups, through their respective focal points, to make a voluntary financial contribution. 
82.    All stakeholders support the work of the secretariat by voluntarily contributing financial and in-kind resources, as appropriate, including but not limited to: 
(a)    Voluntary financial contributions; 
(b)    In-kind resources, such as secondment, as appropriate, and sector-related work by the secretariat; 
(c)    Hosting of meetings, sector participation at meetings, and support for the production and dissemination of outputs of the Framework. 
83.    Where possible, the contributions are defined at the beginning of the budget cycle by an agreement between the respective organization and the secretariat.