VI. Mechanisms to support implementation
A. Implementation programmes
24. The International Conference on the Global Framework on Chemicals – For a Planet Free of Harm from Chemicals and Waste (hereafter referred to as the International Conference) may adopt programmes to support the implementation of the Framework in order to achieve its strategic objectives, as presented in part V, “Strategic objectives and targets”. Such programmes should have their own focus and engage relevant sectors and stakeholders, and could include, in a flexible and dynamic format, the actions that the stakeholders intend to initiate or contribute to at the national, regional, and/or international levels in order to successfully meet the relevant targets identified in part V. Such programmes should also include any necessary mandates, terms of reference, workplans and/or other mechanisms, including actions to address identified issues of concern where relevant, to contribute to the success of the overall Framework and its strategic objectives.
25. Participation in each of the programmes of implementation should be open to all relevant stakeholders and sectors. The International Conference may establish ad hoc working groups to provide direction and momentum for the work, as well as to mobilize engagement. In addition to the actors specifically identified in the targets, the International Conference should invite the Inter Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals and intergovernmental organizations to contribute actively to the implementation programmes to support the Framework and to further strengthen international cooperation and multisectoral engagement in the sound management of chemicals and waste.
B. National implementation
26. To sustain an integrated approach for the sound management of chemicals and waste, each Government should establish arrangements such as national plans of action for implementation on an interministerial or interinstitutional basis, in consultation with stakeholders, so that the interests of concerned national departments and stakeholders are represented and all relevant substantive areas are addressed.
27. Each Government should designate a national focal point to facilitate communication and coordination at the national, regional and international levels with respect to the Framework. The national focal point should, among other duties, disseminate information, develop a network or a mechanism for coordinating national views that includes consultations with all relevant sectors and stakeholders, attend meetings, and be representative of the country’s interministerial and/or inter institutional arrangements, where such arrangements exist.
28. To support effective implementation, stronger efforts are required to ensure that national implementation involves the engagement of the appropriate range of stakeholders and sectors (e.g., the health, environmental, agriculture and labour sectors) to address national priorities.
29. Governments may develop a national plan of action or programme in consultation with other stakeholders to further implement efforts at the national level. Such a plan or programme may be used to support reporting under this part of the Framework on the progress made during the reporting period, keeping in mind that such plans or programmes are tailored to national actions and measures and should not duplicate existing arrangements or other reporting efforts.
30. All stakeholders should take action to promote progress in the implementation of the strategic objectives and targets of the Framework.
C. Regional cooperation and coordination
31. Priorities and capacities for implementation vary among regions according to their different economic and other circumstances.
32. International, regional and sectoral collaboration play integral roles in supporting the sound management of chemicals and waste at all levels, including among trading partners and regional organizations.
33. International and regional meetings and coordination mechanisms play an important role in enabling stakeholders in each region to exchange experiences and identify priority needs in relation to implementation, as well as to develop regional positions on key issues.
34. Regions are encouraged, where appropriate:
(a) To identify common priorities;
(b) To develop regional implementation plans for the sound management of chemicals and waste, and to consider regional or subregional approaches and projects;
(c) To appoint a regional focal point.
35. Regional focal points are to play a facilitative role in their regions, including undertaking activities determined at the regional level, such as chairing regional meetings, disseminating information of interest to focal points in their region, collecting views from national focal points on matters of interest to the region, identifying opportunities for regional cooperation, assisting in the flow of information and views from the region to its Bureau member, as appropriate, and reporting periodically on the outcomes of regional meetings and other regional activities.
D. Enhanced sectoral and stakeholder engagement
36. The involvement and commitment of all relevant sectors and stakeholders at the local, national, regional and international levels is important for the sound management of chemicals throughout their life cycle.
37. At the national level, Governments, as appropriate, should undertake actions to build or improve regulatory and non-regulatory frameworks and institutional structures and capacity for multisectoral coherence.
38. Relevant regional conventions, programmes, centres, bodies and processes, such as ministerial forums on health, labour and environmental issues, are invited to support and augment such national efforts, fostering coordination and cooperation.
39. The Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals and intergovernmental organizations are invited to contribute actively to the implementation of the Framework and to continue to promote broad engagement and coordination of the policies, work programmes and activities of relevant intergovernmental organizations with a view to further strengthening international cooperation and multisectoral engagement in the sound management of chemical and waste.
40. The enhanced efforts of all relevant sectors and stakeholders should include increased or improved (a) actions by members of individual sectors and stakeholders, (b) collaboration between and among key sectoral and stakeholder groups, (c) multi-stakeholder and multisectoral dialogue throughout the implementation of the Framework, and (d) contributions, as appropriate, to achieve the shared vision as well as the objective and targets of the Framework.
41. All stakeholders, especially the public sector, including health and care services, are invited to enhance the contribution to the sound management of chemicals and waste through safe and sustainable chemicals and waste policies, contracts and practices in workplaces and communities, and through procurement policies that prioritize protective practices.
42. The involvement of industry and the private sector throughout the value chain needs to be significantly enhanced under the Framework at all levels. The roles and responsibilities of industry and the private sector throughout the value chain in implementing the sound management of chemicals and waste offer a strong basis for enhanced involvement and action and should be clearly identified and developed.
43. Industry and the private sector should conduct due diligence to ensure that international standards, including International Labour Organization standards, on health and safety in the management of chemicals and waste are put in place throughout their value chains in order to protect health and respect human rights.
44. Stakeholders are invited to set out their future actions to implement the Framework in workplans, road maps, milestones, pledges or other appropriate commitments, which should contain a clear definition of the roles and responsibilities of the sector and/or stakeholder in question and of the intended implementation mechanism that contributes to the achievement of the objectives and targets, as well as opportunities for collaboration or joint actions.
45. The health sector has a critical role and unique expertise to contribute to the sound management of chemicals and waste and to the promotion of health and well-being. Stakeholders are encouraged to use the World Health Organization Chemicals Road Map, as appropriate, as a tool to facilitate cross-sectoral collaboration and to identify concrete actions that the health sector can contribute towards the achievement of the strategic objectives of the Framework.
46. The sound management of chemicals and waste in the world of work is essential for protecting workers, communities and the environment. A safe and healthy working environment is a fundamental principle and right at work; therefore, all workers should be protected from hazardous chemicals and waste along the entire supply chain. Workplace measures and policies, including the ratification and implementation of relevant International Labour Organization standards, should be integrated in chemicals and waste management efforts.